Dr. Robert N. Diotalevi, Esq., LL.M.
Program Coordinator, Legal Studies
Florida Gulf Coast University
10501 FGCU Blvd. South
Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565

Copyright law is once again at the forefront of education in cyberspace. Although the information super highway offers a variety of useful information, much of it is copyrighted material. Some recent copyright legislation such as the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act and TEACH Act concern web-based education. This work provides an overview of U.S. copyright law including the new legislation and related issues.

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Diotalevi, R. N. (2003). An education in ©opyright law : a primer for cyberspace. Library and Information Science Research E-Journal, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.32655/LIBRES.2003.1.1